My bingo card has beastiality. There’s still a chance
Maybe necrobestiality? He seems to have a history of doing weird things with animal corpses.
I’d call him a sadistic necro-hippophile, but that would be beating a dead horse.
I knew there was something off about that bear story
That bear was clearly asking for it… It dressed all slutty!
The face of Health in the USA.
Brought to you by Jack Links beef jerky: now for your face!
I’m convinced he’s a zombie.
I’m rushing out to get me some beef tallow right now.
She married a Kennedy and was shocked to learn of his infidelity?
Nah but the fact that she married a Kennedy and committed suicide makes me question if it was suicide when I read that part
Wait! More than ONE person wants to have sex with that ugly dude?
Women voluntarily have sex with Trump too. I don’t get it.
fAmIlY vAlUeS
Yes, but he is blessed by the magical character of Jesus and the character of Jesus works in mysterious ways. Kind of the way that donvict was selected by Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah to be that god’s instrument here on Earth, according to the xtianists, anyway.
“It wasn’t my mistress, it belonged to the worm”
But in one instance, Kennedy recorded a phone conversation with Richardson when he was apparently in California, which is a two-party consent state. Under California law, a person needs the agreement of all parties to a conversation to record a private call. Violating this law is punishable by a fine up to $2,500 and a prison sentence of up to one year.
All right, AG Bonta. Do your thing. Lock this fucker up before he can do massive harm.
wtf is this poly-shaming
We have reasons to hate this bastard, and him not falling in line with the Church’s archaic definition of marriage isn’t one of them
He’s not “polygamous”, his wife didn’t know and he claimed he wanted to be monogamous. That’s not being poly, that’s being a cheating bastard.
There’s nothing wrong with consensual polygamy. That’s not what went on here.
Polyamory != polygamous
You can substitute the word in my comment and the exact same point still stands.
There is no poly shaming going on here. The article makes clear that:
- Kennedy was not poly with his ex wife. He just repeatedly cheated on her.
- He invoked the term to try and justify his behavior. And he is the only person here who made any moral judgement about it - he called it “wrong”.