“we’re not doing illegal, and no you can’t check.”
-People doing illegal things
you’re OK with having all your messages read by the government?
We already know they do that. If they can’t directly for any legal reason that they don’t want to admit violating, they’ll just have one of our allies do it for them via their foreign intelligence sevices. Snowden gave us the proof of that a decade ago.
How is this different than another time?
You do realize they have a law that requires the phone companies to run a phone line no matter where you build in the USA right? Requiring the ISPs to uphold stipulations like this is a good thing.
Also, NSA…
How to tell you are running a cartel, step #1:
The cartel says the CIA shouldnt investigate cocaine prices.
Cocaine prices have made little to no change even though recessions, my friend tells me.
Recently saw a report on cocaine, apparently the prices haven’t changed since the 1990s… just the purity has gone down and it now comes laced with fentanyl.
Internet providers say the FCC should not investigate broadband prices
And that’s exactly why broadband prices should be investigated.
Yeah they should do it even harder and faster now. Now I’m horny.
Deeper, even
And while they’re at it they should get out the handcuffs, they’re definitely going to need them.
Let’s all do the “Comcast”!
Rub our nipples?
Make internet access a utility and be done with it.
Seriously. Why is this taking so long!? It’s painfully obvious!
Because the ISPs don’t want to have to do what we made them do for phone lines. Even though the trillion dollars we have given them over the last 30 years should have come with that stipulation…but they took that money and bought our politicians with it.
I $$$$ honestly $$$$ have $$$$ not $$$$ a $$$$ single $$$$ idea $$$$ why $$$$ either.
It was until Ajit Pai removed the classification 😤
In my native country gigabit fiber internet is less than $9/mo. Broadband prices in the US are absolutely ridiculous.
Good God I pay 90 a month for 1 gig fiber. What county are you in?
I pay $500, lol
W. H. A. T.
Sorry, it’s so hard to believe, you have to explain how.
I live very rural and my only other option was 500kbps on a good day internet which doesn’t work for my software engineering job. So I ended up having to make tons of calls and beg and plead and I finally found a fiber provider who would trench a line directly to my house for me.
Problem is…I’m paying for it for 10 years now.
But it was worth it.
I pay 99.95 a month for 50 megs gotta love the local phone cmpny
That’s Romania. But I live in the US now.
50€ for 1000/1000 here. My employer covers it.
46€ for the same here.
30€ if I can do with 1000/100 instead, which most people could.
I pay $110 for 2000/2000 fiber. In the US.
I pay $110 for 300mbs down 10 mbs up, in New York City. I have routine fantasies about what the board of my ISP deserves.
30€/m for 2x2.5Gb
49€ here, but yeah about 1/10 of the price of some US states is insane.
I pay Comcast $130 for 1000/35
Just Internet, no bundles.
you can get the same internet speed for like 10$ in Ukraine. of 4$ for symmetrical 100mbps fiber connection
Not to defend those shitbags, but population density plays a large part in infrastructure cost. source
Granted, they’ve alco received enormous subsidies without intending to fulfill their obligations, but still, it’s a significant factor. This country is quite large. I can drive 4h in nearly any direction and still be in state lines. Most of that is farm land.
This is one of the reasons why this should be nationalized because rural areas are still either unserved or underserved by broadband because the cost/benefit analysis doesn’t favor the provider enough.
That said, prices are higher than they should be even taking density into account (strictly my opinion). Gigabit fiber should actually be about $15/mo for all regions, (my SWAG*) but the infrastructure just is not there yet. The biggest challenge being the “last mile”.
*Sophisticated wild-ass guess
Don’t let them tell you it’s the lack of density that is the problem. I live in a major US city with high density, and there is only one provider that offers actual broadband at my address (~$100/mo for 500Mb/s service). The “competition” wants me to pay $50/mo for 20 Megabit DSL.
No, it truly is part of the problem and there is no excuse for you to be billed that much. Two things can be true!
I have the option of 200 megabits for $19. It all depends on what infrastructure is already there and how much it costs for them to get the hookup to you whatever it is. I think the real problem is that we’re living under their rules which are based on how much money they can make rather than providing equal access for everyone.
My three year old often says “Dad don’t look!” When he does that, I know for a fact he’s doing something he shouldn’t be doing.
The title alone is a great reason to investigate broadband prices.
Good thing broadband providers have such a stellar track record of nothing but honorable and consumer-benefiting behavior. I see no reason that we can’t just trust that they have our best interests at heart.
If any business tells the government that it should not look to closely into it’s practices, then you know that there is something that needs to be brought to the light and corrected.
It’s like a teenager telling their mom she doesn’t need to check the browser history
Criminal doesn’t want to be investigated.
Yup. Totally not a suspicious thing to say…
I agree, the FCC shouldn’t waste time investigating broadband prices. Just nationalize them. And the rest of infrastructure.
Serial killers say the FBI should stay out of their dark mysterious shed
What about bathrooms, are those still safe?
If he’s a white cisgender conservative male? Probably not.
Shh, you’re gonna upset the white cisgender conservative males…
“We promise not to eat any more faces,” said a spokeswolf for the Wolves Eating Faces Corporation.
Pay no attention to the piles of money behind the curtain!