Plenty of java back end web development, so maybe not as embarrassing as you felt?
Plenty of java back end web development, so maybe not as embarrassing as you felt?
Is it possible the hard drive is failing in the old one? I don’t know what the operating system would do if download speed surpassed write speed, but once it couldn’t hold it in ram any longer waiting to write I guess it would have to throttle it.
The bandwidth of a network card would generally outclass your internet connection by an order of magnitude.
Gigabits per second network cards have been standard for at least a decade.
And then there’s your wifi too, if applicable, but even that is much faster than your general internet connection, unless you’re far from your router. A new laptop might help you get a better wifi signal, if it had a newer wifi protocol or stronger radio, but that’s also going to depend on your router.
But in front of all of that is going to be your modem. Depending on the quality of your modem that might be a bottleneck.
A new laptop, even the best in the world, won’t make your downloads any faster.
I also back what everyone else is saying. Unless of course you can update your current laptop. What have you got? An extra stick of ram and an SSD can make an old laptop feel brand new, especially with an OS reinstall
Jesus Christ is not my Lord and saviour. I demand you delete this post immediately and apologise. This is as insulting to me as pineapple on a pizza
Auto Hot Key, that’s something I haven’t heard of in a while. Probably because it’s not as essential in a Linux environment when you can more easily accomplish most of what you’d accomplish using AHK in a shell script. What problem are you trying to solve using AHK? Someone might be able to tell you how to solve it.
Saving because I want to learn how to make menus like that!
Unfortunately this is about the first time, I’d (almost) disagree with you. If the US bans something on, or makes a law about, the internet it almost always affects the rest of the world. The only difference is the rest of the world has no say in the matter :(
Blinkenlights appears to no longer exist :(