Is your skin too dark to be considered human? Are you acting in a manner that the white elite deem thuggish non-human?
Considering this is a Texas bill it’s not hard to see how it will be abused.
Is your skin too dark to be considered human? Are you acting in a manner that the white elite deem thuggish non-human?
Considering this is a Texas bill it’s not hard to see how it will be abused.
It’s the McDonald’s thing all over again. Coffee should never be hot enough to require skin grafts if it spills. Doesn’t matter how clumsy the customer is.
The joke is factually incorrect. The Soviets used pens because graphite and pencil shavings are problematic for delicate equipment in microgravity.
Also the Soviet government has little to no relation to the capitalist oligarchy that currently runs Russia so the comment about Ukraine is irrelevant.
Glad they’re using polygraphs, they’re unreliable enough that the leakers won’t be caught.
Wow you really have no real understanding of what you’re talking about about. You’re just spouting confident nonsense with not real-world backing. I’m not even going to argue with you I’ll just link this: https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect
What value comes from severing those relationships?
What value comes from severing those relationships?
Calling Canada and the UK “super liberal” is wild.
Japan and Korea are not the ones growing in Asia. That would be China, another target of Trump’s trade war. Our future will be under losing to China.
Reminds me of Hilary’s buttery males.
With this current supreme court I can definitely see them reverting to the previous interpretation. It doesn’t have to make logical or legal sense when it comes to activist judges.
That’s not saying they should, just a pessimistic prediction based on previous actions of this court.
Have you read the constitution?
Gonna need a source on those “many cases” of coercion, I’d like to hear about it.
Very “Ministry of Truth” of them.
Libel lawsuits can be expensive, and you can bet your ass that without that ambiguity Ye’s lawyers would be all over them.
It had stopped working for me
I don’t remember having to compile it and there’s a setting to prefer the album version of songs
There are tools for the music side as well
RVX Music works quite well for me on Android
RVX, a fork of ReVanced, works well on Android. You’ll have to side load it yourself, but it’s got very good ad blocking and sponsor block if you don’t want to hear shilling during a video.
No idea for iPhone.
Take it from a fellow American. We fucked this up and it’s on all of us. We need to recognize that before we can come together and fix it.
And has cyborgs