I’ve not heard of ironfox before this thread! Could you possibly link it? Doesn’t seem like it’s on FDroid or IzzyOnDroid
I personally use Cinnamon, which has a similar feeling to Win10. Very satisfied with it on my desktop. From what I’ve heard XFCE also feels similar to Windows, but I simply have just used Cinnamon ¯_(ツ)_/¯
HeliBoard is a good foss option that has autocorrect and stuff! You can also give it swipe typing by supplying your own proprietary blob, so that’s neat. Better than using a non-foss keyboard!
If you absolutely need functionality of some Windows only applications on Linux, it’s a bit clunky, but a solution exists to use a VM to integrate the Windows apps into your Linux environment. It’s called winapps, and I use it to run the latest version of Excel, which I do need for some things. Here’s their GitHub: https://github.com/Fmstrat/winapps
I use virt-manager, aka Virtual Machine Manager. Using this specifically because of the winapps for Linux repo has instructions on how to get Windows apps to run through the VM to be integrated in a Linux environment.
Not sure if it has every feature you’re looking for, but I was able to transition from Daylio to Daily You and be ok with it. Can’t track what activities you did with buttons, but can track your mood every day with a journal entry for each day, and an image if you want. There’s even a Python script to convert your entries from Daylio into Daily You!
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Demizo/Daily_You
Repo for aforementioned python script: https://github.com/Demizo/daylio-to-daily-you
IzzyOnDroid Link: https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/com.demizo.daily_you/
I’ll admit I haven’t watched a stream in a while, so twitch could have easily updated something, but in my experience, yes it blocks ads!
Use Xtra if on Android!
That’s awesome! Thanks for letting us know!
The update functionality for older versions to upgrade to the new version will be released a few weeks after the iso release of Linux Mint 22. It’ll be an available upgrade in the Software Update Center application.
Ah, that height setting was hidden then lol. That fixes that issue! I’m also very aware of Heliboard, that’s what I’m currently using (with the google proprietary blob for swipe typing). I just don’t feel like the swipe is that good, it often just doesn’t produce any word after I’m done swiping out the word. Thanks for the tip about the height!
Honestly, since I can see the source code and confirm that it isn’t sending my data anywhere, I think it’s ok, even if it doesn’t meet the standard definition of foss. The keyboard is also pretty dang good, but I have two complaints. 1. I want to be able to resize the height of the keyboard. 2. The swipe typing sucks. As soon as those two things get fixed it’s easily the best keyboard on Android for me.
Did you read the post you replied to? They said financially liable. Read through the quote you responded with and tell us where they are held financially liable. They are (rightfully) mad that it’s the taxpayers that are effectively paying out the settlement instead of the police force.
I use Feeder which has been awesome so far for me
I use Breezy Weather for a forecast of the chance to rain on an hourly basis, and wX for a radar. Hope this helps!
Breezy Weather is part of the IzzyOnDroid FDroid repository, and wX is part of the normal FDroid repository seemingly.
I’ll comment and agree with most of the people who have already commented who recommend Linux Mint. It’s very good for beginners. Alternatively, you can also take a quiz found at distrochooser.de to get an idea of which distros may be right for you.
Not the Framework 16, but I’ve used the Framework 13 for 2 years now and have lived it with Ubuntu. I believe Fedora was also mentioned on the Linux support page back then, although I was just getting into Linux at that point so my memory could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure. I haven’t used Fedora personally but I think it would be absolutely fine on the Framework 16.
How do you even change the font in your browser?