Where the fuck do you live with $800 rent? Middle of Montana? Dead center of Death Valley? Gtfo.
Where the fuck do you live with $800 rent? Middle of Montana? Dead center of Death Valley? Gtfo.
We love freedom of speech more than we hate Nazis.
The OP was hilarity, and then the idiots responding made me laugh out loud. Bravo.
Whatever dude. You’re objectively wrong.
Fine dude, go ahead and try it. Also super fucking cool to put bullshit out to LGBT people that might actually be looking for options to escape abuse.
You are not getting refugee status as an American, full stop.
Yeah, this seasons writers are doing some great work.
You can’t go to Canada. They have effective boarder and immigration enforcement.
They had effects on Boeing.
Yeah, I remember back in the day, when the internet was free. It was lawless, but there were so many great things to see too.
Then a bunch of pussies noticed all the fun we were having, and they gave away all that freedom to the governments and corpos, asking them to build in blocking features and filtering horseshit, so that they didn’t accidentally see an image or idea that they didn’t already have predefined in their head.
Just completely destroyed something that was once so beautifully free, just because they were too much an imbecile and coward to face different ideas.
Sad really.
Sorry everyone, it’s this dude’s first day on the internet. He’ll get it eventually.
Did you just watch the Jim Jeffries bit?
No. No it won’t. They want to sensationalize this. Don’t buy into it.
I like how other people are being nice about it. Makes me have a little hope for humanity.
You’re objectively wrong though.
I’m not sure that’s true, a lot of the undocumented workers I’ve met have worked in restaurants, and MANY of the owners there are absolutely champagne socialists that push Democratic rhetoric.
Would love to see data on it, but that’s got to be hard to gather, undocumented and all.
She’ll get absolutely demoed by Trump. I can’t wait for Dems to have to vote for a racist cop though, peak irony.
It also gave the game new dragons, among them the King of Lawful Dragons and the Queen of Chaotic Dragons. The male dragon is good, and female dragon is evil. (See Appendix 1 below for more.) It is a repetition of the old trope that male power is inherently good, and female power is inherently evil.
To think “lawful” means “good” and “chaotic” means “evil”, tells me the author of this article has never played DnD in his life.
Yeah! We can really rub it in their faces while we all die!