Still rambling on with jealousy eh? I feel good about myself surrounded by my loving family and friends. I don’t feel good about myself because I can afford a house and others can’t.
You are jealousy is preventing you from accepting reality. It’s also quite clearly what’s holding you back.
You’re so confused. You alternate between saying I’m trying to impress people and then I’m trying to deny it. I’m doing neither. I’m simply stating reality. A reality that you seem too dense to grasp and yes, you’re absolutely impoverished and when I say that I’m not talking about your bank account, I’m talking about your mental abilities.
I keep bringing up jealousy because it’s so evident how pathetic your mindset is when it comes to other people.
You’re a failure. Not everyone who isn’t a failure is wealthy. Some of us are just normal people living normal lives. A normal middle class life is exactly what I’m fortunate enough to be living.