Seriously, how many crimes will he commit before something stops him? Who polices the president? Ohhhhh right, it’s Congress. The courts can check his orders when someone sues, but they don’t charge him with crimes. I guess it could be possible for a blue state to arrest him when he commits a heinous crime within its borders, but I won’t hold my breath
I agree. I know there are tens of thousands of international travelers entering the US daily and he was a single case, but the question remains, why? The article mentions a DUI on his record from a decade ago as well as a marijuana possession charge that was dismissed when legalization passed. So, is that literally it? It’s fucking insane that they are violating his rights like this and fucking torturing him.
They’re called “undocumented” because it is not a criminal offense to enter the country, but a civil one. Some also use “unauthorized” which is probably a little more accurate.
He’s a ketamine abuser, so it checks out.
Short-term side effects of ketamine use may include headache, dizziness, sleepiness, feeling strange or “loopy,” difficulty speaking, numbness, blurred vision, or nausea. Ketamine may also cause changes in blood pressure and heart rate.11
Studies show that unsupervised ketamine use may have serious health risks.1 These include respiratory depression, which is dangerously slow and shallow breathing. A NIDA-funded study found that problems related to ketamine use reported to poison control centers increased 81% from 2019-2021. The use of other drugs along with ketamine, especially opioids or GHB, another club drug, led to the most health problems, some of them life-threatening.12
Long-term, heavy ketamine use is associated with memory problems, depression, and anxiety.13 At high doses, ketamine may cause psychosis, a mental illness that causes a person to lose touch with reality. Frequent recreational ketamine use can lead to delusions that can last to up to one month after a person stops using it.14
Long-term use of ketamine may cause gastrointestinal problems, including abdominal pain sometimes called k-cramps5. Ketamine use can also cause ketamine-induced uropathy, a treatable but potentially serious condition that causes symptoms like those of a urinary tract infection.15,16
From NIDA.
It’s time to strike some fear in Elon’s heart. He’s fucking around, he’s going to find out.
We saw how he reversed his Mexico and Canada tariffs soon after the stock market plunged, so he still cares about the rich who have their money in stocks. He’s also fired federal nuclear arms employees, and is trying to rehire them. So, I think he will easily make this mistake too and try to reverse it afterwards.
I think you’re right but I wouldn’t put it past Musk and Trump
Agree, especially for the leadership positions and positions of power. You have a higher responsibility when you’re in charge and you can actually fight back whereas subordinates usually just have to do their jobs.
I agree. I understand if you’re a meager little underling, but if you’re in charge of investigating, then you need to take a stand and use the power you wield to stop or slow them down.
Can states just arrest Elon Musk already? He’s clearly broken laws and states are bound to follow federal law, so what are they waiting for? Fucking cowards.
Yes, he blamed DEI and specifically said it was due to the FAA hiring people with mental and physical disabilities.
I agree, the military is utterly incompetent and arrogant, so this wouldn’t surprise me if it’s the Army’s fault.
Haven’t watched the video yet, but it makes a lot of sense that you could train an AI using already subtitled movies and their audio. There are times when official subtitles paraphrase the speech to make it easier to read quickly, so I wonder how that would work. There’s also just a lot of voice recognition everywhere nowadays, so maybe that’s all they need?
Death sentence. Make the consequences horrendous for doing this kind of thing.
Death sentence seems appropriate in this case.
The statement reflects the actions of the Kamala campaign and the Dem party, so I believe it. Will Democrats ever change, though? Not until the old guard relinquishes their tight grasp on the party and allows it to operate democratically. The old guard are corrupt and they are paid by the same ultra wealthy donors that pay Republicans. The only reason the Tea Party was successful in taking over the Republican party was that there was a huge amount of funding behind them. An equivalent leftist force does not exist because there is no monied interest that would fund an insurgency on the left (except for the masses— think Bernie 2016, 2020, but we would need even more to create a lasting insurgency of equal scale). In light of this, the Democratic party has continuously pursued a “third way” approach to become essentially Republican with some social equality. The Democratic brand stands for nothing anymore.
Per the GoFundMe, she was released and charges dropped:
Hi everyone, it looks like the county released Briana with no charges, so I stopped the campaign. See here: I am looking how to run a gazillion of reimbursements on this platform.
Or the idiotic “open enrollment” period. Can’t believe they only let us change health insurance once a year.
The local police responded and are holding the suspect for NYPD while they travel to interview the suspect.
Being that he renewed his Green Card recently, it would make no sense that his very minor record would pose any issue, otherwise the government could have denied his renewal.