He’s going to use this as an excuse to repeal the Americans with Disabilities Act. I’m calling it.
Nostradamus [Belle] two days ago:
“If they keep the details quiet [of the recent closed-door meeting], you’ll be able to tell what they’re going after [in the budget] by listening to their rhetoric”.
“They’ll start scapegoating a demographic, to try and prime the [voter] base to accept their cuts.”
(e.g.) “If they start talking about able-bodied people, it’s Medicaid.”
it’s in project 2025
It’s ALL fucking in there. Every day since Jan 20 is in there.
So many rascal driving MAGAots are about to have their face eaten.
Sucks it will affect decent folks.
Sounds like a good description of the guy who just tried to fire the entire FAA.
He might have been looking in a mirror when thinking of what kind of demographic to blame
The best take
So he’s accepting personal responsibility?
I’m not suggesting he will accept it willingly, we’ll have to force it on him, as he is convicted.
Jan 20 - Federal Aviation Administration Director fired.
Jan. 21 - Air Traffic Controller hiring frozen
Jan. 22 - Aviation Safety Advisory Committee disbanded
Jan. 28 - Buyout/retirement demand sent to existing employees
Jan. 29 - first American mid-air collision in 16 years
By golly, Trump is actually correct. Someone with severe intellectual disabilities did fuck us over.
It’s mind boggling anyone would even try to dismantle the FAA- they’re one of the most boring organizations out there and their #1 concern is safety. There’s even tons of money to be made while worrying about safety, so it is so odd to do this. Trying to reduce air traffic controllers is an insane idea in general- without them everyone’s flying blind. It’s gonna take decades to figure out all the damage this moron has done just like with Reagan
And it’s one of the most useful government offices if you’re a billionaire who travels by plane everywhere. Plebs who have to drive everywhere are a lot less affected by overworked, overstressed, underpaid ATCs than guys like him.
Well thanks to the ElonJet guy they know where all the important planes are… Who needs flight control when you have xcom /s
- Drastically reduce their budget
- Fire the most experienced people
- Watch it all go to hell. More accidents and close calls.
- Blame gov workers and democrats
- ???
- Profit!
He’s still bitter over PATCO, 1981
I think I will blame Trump instead. He was dictator on day one. How could the Orange Turd let this happen!
He caused this to happen with his various actions of enshitifying the quality of government.
So no idea of really how the crash happened, don’t have black boxes yet. But somehow knows it was dei. Right.
PAT25(?) announced that they have a visual on the CRJ. ATC instructed them to maintain visual separation and then proceed behind the CRJ. They didn’t. No maydays, no panpans.
It’s pilot deviation or pilot error.
What would you be interested in with the black box? If the TAWS warned the CRJ pilots?
Black box is woke dei hire.
wouldn’t have happened if white box.
New EO just dropped. We’re calling them white boxes and painting them to prevent future tragedy.
This is even funnier because black boxes are bright orange
Painting them white would be a typical Trump ineffectual quick-fix gesture.
Are we sure Trump isn’t a black box in disguise? 🤔
Grey is the new aryan white:
Of course. Had it been a white box, it would have avoided this crash, we all know that!
You missed an even better joke with white hawk helicopter.
Looks more like rainbow colored to me.
Black Box in a black hawk. I mean come on
The ATC queries them multiple times if they have visual on the CRJ and they repeatedly respond in the affirmative.
also the published helicopter corridor has them maintain a ceiling of 200 feet, they were well above 350 at the time of the collision.
It’s either pilot negligence or instrument failure.
also TCAS is inactive below
800900 feet.It’s pilot error or deviation. You have the CRJ in sight. You are responsible for maintaining visual separation. Full stop. Instrument failure does not apply to your eyes.
Wouldn’t that be TCAS?
You right. Helicopters aren’t terrain. My bad
TCAS doesn’t give resolution advisories (alerts that say to climb or descend to avoid traffic) below 1000’. It does have a warning noise still, but from my understanding it’s common for it to go off on approach due to all the other aircraft around and on the ground at the airport, so it may have been ignored.
He doesn’t need evidence he has “common sense”
Actual quote from the press conference
Due to his barren mental landscape, he can only rant about two or three things in a given month.
Its like he goes out of his way to project.
Have you ever noticed how absolutely fixated this guy is on assigning people mental issues?
I am officially upgrading that from 🤔 to Ominous.
That might indicate that he recently was informed that he has dementia and that it’s incurable.
Or maybe he wants all his political opponents and critics declared insane so he can have them tortured with outdated treatments like lobotomies and endless rounds of ECT.
“We may never find out what caused this terrible tragedy, but rest assured that a minority was involved.”
I agree with trumps sentiment. Old, fat, stupid, senile people should not be in positions that need to make critical decisions.
You killed 67 people, and it’s only been a month of your “presidency.”
A month? 10 days, mate. Months have around 30 days, so he still has time to raise that number.
Holy hell it’s only been 10 days
These 10 days have been the longest decade of my life.
Cue in captain america’s gif.
Trump is America’s Asshole.
4 more years
Not if he gets that 3rd term…
Oh joy! /s
I only said month because even when he wasn’t president yet, they were already making moves like he was. But you are correct it’s ONLY been 10 fucking days.
Feels like 6 months already. Son of a bitch it’s gonna be a long decade.
One mooch
Think of all the covid deaths, place responsibility where it belongs, right in his lap. 1000 deaths on average per week, I don’t have the long covid disabilities numbers ‘off the top of my head’, but they are even more.
As much as Trump is absolutely terrible, Biden was equally responsible for the large number of COVID deaths. His administration made the CDC completely abandon masking, ventilation, and other preventative guidance, almost completely abandon or hide COVID statistics, and he also said that the pandemic was “over”. Credit both of them, a pair of terrible presidents.
No he wasn’t. You don’t blame the guy who gets on the train after it was allowed to get up to speed and run out of control, for not being able to stop it fast enough.
You got a little bit of a point. Even if “equally” may be an exaggeration, you can certainly blame Biden for essentially dropping the push for masking, ventilation, vaccinations, and reporting of COVID. I do and always will. Like I said, both of them sucked regarding COVID.
“Equally responsible.” You’re out of your mind. 1 million COVID deaths under Trump. What kind of numbers you got for Biden?
Our rating: False
The post overstates the number of COVID-19 deaths reported in the U.S. during Trump’s presidency. At the time Trump left office in January 2021, the death toll had surpassed 400,000, according to multiple health organizations. The U.S. marked 1 million COVID-19 deaths in May 2022.
Deaths 1,212,505[3] (reported) 1,197,470 (CDC estimate)[6]
That means that about twice as many people in the US died from COVID under Biden’s administration than under Trump’s (1.2 million minus 400,000 = 800,000.
Granted, Biden had a lot longer time dealing with the pandemic than Trump did, but this was all just to point out that Biden ALSO sucked in his handling of COVID.
Trump’s entire handling of the pandemic including telling his cult members not to respect the advice of professionals continued to kill people until we hit 1 million. That’s roughly four months into Biden’s presidency. You can’t lay any of that on Biden.
What effects do you think Biden telling the CDC to stop pushing for masking, ventilation, vaccination, and reporting on COVID, and then telling the country that the pandemic was over had on COVID deaths?
Like I said, yes, Trump did a uniquely terrible job handling COVID (except for project warp speed to push for ultra-fast development of vaccines), but it’s flabbergasting to see people speak as if Biden did nothing wrong in his own handling of the pandemic.
I’m not saying he was perfect. I’m saying the ideas pushed by Trump, Qanon, and other far right and conspiracy theory peddlers had already done their damage. By the time Biden took office, everyone had long ago sided with science or conspiracies. I doubt he convinced very many people one way or the other.
And also Trump’s state-level lackeys were deliberately under-reporting covid deaths.
Ok, I somewhat agree - I think under-reporting happened under both sides, even if Republicans may have done more of it, because both sides had some of the same incentives to do it.
But that’s beside the point. I’m just trying to get people to admit that Biden also did a bad job in handling the pandemic, in the interest of truth and acuracy, but I see that that’s never going to happen with some people here (not directing this last sentence at you futatorius, but just in general with the people who have replied so far and those who downvoted me).
It’s only been barely a week, bro…
I don’t even know how you factor in other travesties. Like letting all those J6 criminals out of prison. One of them already had to be put down by a cop during a traffic stop. How do you factor that, when the safest option was to keep them in prison?
TrumpBodyCount = TrumpBodyCount + 67
He doesn’t actually care who or what is responsible as long as he can tell people it isn’t him.
If he had half a brain he would just say investigations are ongoing whenever asked.
If he had half a brain he would just say investigations are ongoing whenever asked.
No because the plan is to blame literally everything that goes wrong on minorities.
You mean it’s another of those trans illegal immigrants that escaped from an asylum that worked in an airport control tower in between all the pillaging and raping? It’s crazy, how many are there of those anyway?
the plan is to blame literally everything that goes wrong on minorities.
Instead of Trump’s own major enshitification of the quality of government causing the morale of federal workers to plummet.
Never give up a good or even bad opportunity to try and throw someone in front of a bus. An opportunity not seized is a opportunity missed.
severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems, or other mental or physical conditions
So trump is confirming his numerous physical and mental deficiencies?
Projection is always a confession with Trump.
So he blames himself? Refreshing change of pace there.
There is a good chance this was caused in large part by Trump and his enshitification efforts. Right now the entire federal workforce is demoralized by various actions of Traitorapist Trump, degrading the quality of government across all levels. Air traffic controllers are part of the federal workforce. They were also short staffed, which in itself was likely cause by the poor morale. Blaming the hiring of minorities makes no sense given that a big part of the problem was not enough staff.
Trump knows this and knows that other people will make that connection too, and so him blaming this on DEI was his way of deflect the blame away from his rapid enshitification of government.
Report is that one ATC was doing the work that’s supposed to be done by two, due to staffing shortages.
(D)ead in the water.
That together with the fact that people have been warning about this accident waiting to happen ever since the airport was built.
Helicopters go up. Helicopters go down. They go up. They go down.
~ super intellectual president
He blamed it on DEI and NTSB ex chief said trump did more to degrade the safety they’ve built than anyone in 40 years
Yes, he blamed DEI and specifically said it was due to the FAA hiring people with mental and physical disabilities.