Don’t forget the weird livery that is oddly orange and seemingly missing around all of the ports. Oh and it’s fat.
Don’t forget the weird livery that is oddly orange and seemingly missing around all of the ports. Oh and it’s fat.
Never give up a good or even bad opportunity to try and throw someone in front of a bus. An opportunity not seized is a opportunity missed.
No I recently heard someone say that it was a requirement by law to start being discriminatory. This was coming directed at a librarian about the fact they had books pertaining to the positivity of trans non binary … But had failed to attain any counter since libraries have to have a equal representation to a counter opinion available. And as to why the library wasn’t following the law and now removing said books from its shelves at that moment since it’s now law to be discriminatory. And yes they mentioned it being a requirement that you discriminate and report nondiscriminatory behavior i … When the fuck are we right now is this Stalin era russia?
Cops out cameras out.
I did not. I did my damnedest in order to try and inform everybody who was around me. I try to help bring up all of the aspects and all of the problems. Our biggest failure is all those who didn’t even vote. Not those who did but those who couldn’t even be assed to get off of theirs and go out and fill out the form. But let me Tell you what this administration did Nazi coming… My unadulterated ass now being even more bold and happy just telling them to fuck off. Might as well start feeding them the same bullshit they’ve been doing to us for the last eight years. I am now refusing to do absolutely anything involved with anything that they want done I am going to drag my dick on everything and anything I might construe as being helpful to their cause. I’m going to bitch and moan as loudly as possible . I’m going to be the most cantankerous pain in the ass that anybody has ever come across.
That orange fuck can get stuffed should have stayed in oompa loompa land maybe And I’m just saying maybe lighten up on the amount of tanning cream that he’s using or at least tell his apprentices they need to slow up cuz we all know Mr tiny hands is incapable of squeezing the fucking bottle himself. Don’t want to accidentally use too much energy might be construed as exercise and that might actually physically kill him God damn medical oddity. How can somebody eat that poorly and do literally nothing and still be walking around.
About what?.. that people are relying on the platform as their lively hood.
Love how the have the 3 cars just jammed into one another on the back of the fourth truck.
But you have to then hold everyone accountable equally… This part feels one sided
So yeah technically you are carrying a tablet in your pocket
All right is this coming from somebody who’s carrying a tablet in their pocket?
Yeah I have like six of them sitting in a box.
Honest an og iPhone 4 physical size with more modern screen to body and modern capacities would be the nich spot for me. That includes the headphone port btw …
But if you held all 82 of them in your hand and let them off you might end up with a missing finger … Nail.
I’m kidding kids… don’t eat fireworks.
Oh that the very bottom it says never rely on hold to ever anything that is literally their caveat to they are not liable to you. put your foot on the brake.
No they don’t. The hydraulic system is not used to stop you at any time unless your foot pushes that peddle. Do use your actual brakes everyonce in awhile so they don’t rust into place and fail to work when you need them.
Sure here you go it was short sighted withdrawal started without enough timing or items in place to do so effectively and safely. As was warned when the call for withdrawal was requested to no end. No amount of money can fix completely shit expectations forcing impossible outcomes. But trying to pass off the blame of a execution on the guy trying to mop the blood off the floor is a bit off.
Do you put your foot over the brake and maybe hold some pressure on the pedal?. Just asking as I’m going to just put this out there If not your doing it wrong. As a responsible driver your foot must at least press the brake pedal to hold you still and I’ll tell you why. What if you get hit from behind. Where is your foot? Over the brake or gas? Most people like 99 percent tense when hit with sudden stress. But are you going to clamp down and shoot into traffic or help everything behind you also come to a stop?
Only reason I use best buy is price matching Amazon. It goes to the store I can pick it up there have done this with tvs stereos the lot. And best part. If you had to order it they deliver to the store if it’s broken or any problems you can refuse delivery there and then with no fight it’s still in the store.
Trump is a shit throwing champ. His shit is so noxious it sticks to and destroys almost anything it touches. Even if you make it away without being completely Broken down it sticks with you like the stank of the Bog of the Eternal Stench!!!
He’s throwing shit cause now he can start throwing shit again at the media being shills and hurting everything to ruin trust in the words spoken and ideas passed … since now the platform is no longer helpful in his victory.
She started working in the office starting in 2009 as an assistant U.S. attorney, prosecuting financial fraud, public corruption, violent crime and child exploitation cases…
Confirmed 2021 Stepped down from position this year 2025 January