As a forensics analyst I can’t wait lol
As a forensics analyst I can’t wait lol
Cardamom coffee is where it’s at!
Paper print in a safe is what’s usual done.
The sad part of this is somehow thinking that payment solves any problem. Like, idk what they would pay me, just bring back my dead wife/child/father whatever. You can’t fix everything with money.
put my parents on a auto update and locked down Ubuntu after having to repair their malware ridden laptop for the thousands time. Haven’t heard a complaint in 2 years now, all they do is login and click the Firefox logo anyway.
Simply referring to terms and conditions when complaining about a company move is such a weak argument. Honestly half of the terms are void by European laws anyway.
As a 30+ Linux using IT guy I feel offended lol
The source is always free so you could fork it if you disagree with them. Also it means broader support for Linux gaming