How about the bleach blonde butch body goes back to HER country? Her name indicates English roots. She can go to the UK and then ask a Native American tribal group for permission to come back to North America.
How about the bleach blonde butch body goes back to HER country? Her name indicates English roots. She can go to the UK and then ask a Native American tribal group for permission to come back to North America.
Since he voted for Trump, it’s reasonable to assume he is illiterate. What is an illiterate Nazi going to do in Peru? He can’t read English so he probably doesn’t read or speak Spanish.
Just being in a chat group on Signal where classified information is being shared and not reporting it is a crime if you have a security clearance. I used to have a security clearance. Classified information cannot be discussed outside of a secure compartmentalized information facility or SCIF for short. Classified information cannot be stored on your personal phone. You can’t take hand written notes about what was discussed inside the SCIF, outside of the SCIF. Digital communications of classified material can only take place on a secure government network; SIPR network for Secret information, JWICS and NSA Net for Top-Secret information. Those networks work exactly like the common internet everyone uses, which is called the the NIPR network, but only people with approved accounts and a security clearance can sign into SIPR, JWICS and NSA Net and the computers that can access the networks are inside a SCIF. Everyone who was in that Signal group and had a security clearance should be looking at a long prison sentence for not reporting the leak.
This is exactly what the US government tried to put Julian Assange in prison for. A journalist publishing classified information that was leaked to him.
Thank you for informing me.
The classified plans aren’t allowed out of the SCIF and the phone isn’t allowed in the SCIF. Anything you learn in the SCIF cannot be stored, shared, or spoken about outside of a SCIF especially on electronic media. If anyone in the military did this, like lets say Chelsea Manning, and shared it with a journalist, like say Julian Assange, they would end up in prison for a while.
Getting blackout drunk and sending texts isn’t uncommon for raging alcoholics. Source: I used to be an alcoholic (sober for 6 years)
I think people tend to see what benefits their desires. Domestic dogs kill far more humans and pets per year than boars, yet no one is advocating going out and shooting dogs on sight. We aren’t interested in their meat. Cats are an invasive species in many places where humans have introduced them and cats have hunted many native bird species to extinction, yet no one is saying we should kill all the kitties. Boars are very intelligent, smarter than dogs and wolves. They can smell yams, potatoes and truffles three feet under the ground. They can also smell gun oil, gun powder, and dogs. They know when you’re in the woods to hunt them. Here in Japan, the absence of boars kills forests. Many tubers here are also climbing vines that choke and kill trees. When humans stop living in the forest and there are no boars, the vines take over and the trees die. Humans living in harmony with nature will cut vines away from food producing trees. Boars dig up tubers and sometimes the tree roots get damaged, but if the boar did nothing, the tree would be killed in a few years anyway. I cut vines off of trees when I walk the forests near me. I prioritize saving cherry, plum and walnut trees but I rescue as many trees as I have time for. The boars are a big help.
I’m sure they do. I bet domestic dogs kill a lot more people and pets per year though.
I don’t feed them specifically or directly. I have trail cameras in the forest and I leave my kitchen scraps in front of the cameras. The boars get it sometimes but usually the tanuki (Nyctereutes viverrinus) get to it first. The two times I got close enough to touch boars were both surprise encounters. First time I was cleaning up trash under a bridge and the boar was eating mulberries off the ground. The noise from the cars on the bridge kept him from hearing me and he must have been upwind because he didn’t smell me either. I was looking down to pick up trash while walking. Something big jumped up and ran away from me. I jumped too. I looked and saw a boar’s ass running. He turned around and came back toward me. I showed him my palms, talked calmly and backed away slowly as he got too close. I figured out that I meant him no harm and then moved about 100 feet away and went back to eating. I kept picking up garbage. We could see each other but respected each others space. The second time I was feeding bread to ducks with my daughter and she had her shoes off to soak her feet in the river. She was sitting on a rock. A boar burst out of the underbrush next to her and came up and stole her shoe. He ran upriver with it, dropped it and came back to us. He started eating the bread I was trying to feed to the ducks. I just dropped all the bread on the ground and my daughter and I backed away from him. He seemed like he wanted to play, but I wasn’t going to risk him getting aggressive or over-familiarizing him with humans and putting him in danger. I’m not sure if it was the same boar both times or two different boars.
I concede that feral pigs and feral dogs can be much more dangerous than their unaltered natural counterparts boars and wolves. Here is a video from one of my trail cameras of a Japanese boar mama and her babies. I have never met any females with babies in the woods. I have only met male boars that were by themselves. I always announce my presence by repeating a little chant while I walk. It lets the animals know I’m coming and that I’m not trying to hunt them. If they don’t want me to see them, they have plenty of time to get away. If an animal runs into me, I don’t want the animal to be surprised. That’s the worst possible meeting. https://spectra.video/w/n8XJxxYPK9pJqBcjAuQxQV
My uncle used to carry a cap and ball revolver. If you ever need to use a gun for something wrong, muzzle loaders, cap and ball revolvers and shotguns are the way to go. The lead can’t be connected back to the gun through ballistics. But at least they aren’t dangerous like brass knuckles or nunchaku.
What American swords are there? Where would I find a blacksmith? Americans don’t know how to make anything anymore.
You would be vicious too if someone was hunting you with dogs and a rifle. I have encountered several wild boars in Japan and gotten close enough to touch them. Try giving them snacks like you would a cute kitty and see if they don’t respond just like a cute kitty does. They mirror our behavior.
Leave the poor piggies alone. I have wild boars near me in Japan and twice in the past year I’ve been close enough to touch them. They are highly intelligent social animals. If you demonstrate that you aren’t a threat, they are indifferent to your presence and if you offer them an apple, potato, corn, bread or peanuts they will warm up to you like a cat when you give it food. The problem isn’t the boars, it’s that people act aggressively toward them and they respond with aggression.
Cannons might not be covered because they are not bearable by a human. I don’t know.
Sap gloves are easy to make and not obvious. A pair of gloves with powdered lead sewn into little pouches over the knuckles and along the knife edge of the hand. A slap or punch will quickly put someone on the floor. Lots of cops wear them. You can get them online.
By the logic of Massachusetts, you only have a right to a muzzle loader and a sword then. What would they say if I were walking around in Boston with a katana or a British officer’s sabre?
Michigan also forbids pepper spray and stun guns. They interpret the right to bear arms as the right to make gun manufacturers rich. By the way, a pistol also fits in one hand and can be used to inflict serious injury. Pistols also get used to ambush people. Ever heard of armed robbery?
There are these things called social security numbers. The first three digits of that number indicate what state you were born in and there are different three-number prefixes for resident aliens and naturalized citizens. If your social security number starts with 050-134, you were born in New York. If your SSN starts with 362-386, you were born in Michigan. SSN beginning with 729-733 are for naturalized citizens and applicants for citizenship.