Right! I was about to comment that when I saw your note - pick a lane bozos: either it’s a leak or it’s fake news, if it’s fake it can’t be leaked, only made up. These fuckers even suck at being paranoid cry wolf liars
Right! I was about to comment that when I saw your note - pick a lane bozos: either it’s a leak or it’s fake news, if it’s fake it can’t be leaked, only made up. These fuckers even suck at being paranoid cry wolf liars
Blessed be the fucking fruit i guess, eh?
Thanks for sharing! Very much aligned with what i have in mind… Only difference would be to narrow down to 1 or 2 (if at all) on the landing screen - maybe all other options are under a “advanced user? Click here to expand server selection” or something like that…
Couldn’t we design an “onboarder” where when you get started on lemmy, a “let’s get you started” wizard asks you 2 or 3 questions and based on your answers, it proposes 2 or 3 servers (or directly assigns you to one)?
Ikr? I was painting a worst case scenario to my spouse yesterday and added “and don’t think it would be over in 4 years - the whole point is to stop democracy, so I guarantee in a year or two there will be a bullshit excuse and bam! More years of Trump as a “wartime president” or some other shit”
Not even a fucking week…
This man truly enjoyed a good cup of coffee.
That’s part of the republican doctrine.
That was surprisingly insightful for a video i went in randomly and without any preexisting knowledge of that creator. Some rare nuances in the expressed perspectives, and a very well articulate essay…
Who’s got “Musk blackmailed by Russia” on their bingo card?
Except it’s disproportionately killing those producing the least amount of global warming - I’ve yet to hear of a billionaire killed by global warming.
In other news, recent study reveals ground wet when raining
Interesting! Didn’t know Nikki Haley herself could pledge her loyalty to the loofah-faced shit-gibbon, but her PAC could decide to do a hard pivot. Can they rename the PAC?
If she had held strong against Trump, would have been interesting to imagine a Harris-Haley ticket. Probably a million wrong things about it, don’t get me wrong - but in terms of a unifying ticket… Lol
No need to tell me how stupid this is, i know!!
By the supreme absolute and totally incorruptible court of Trumpistan?
Just to make things worse, aphasia is one of the most common type of long covid neurological effects
My guess: didn’t know she was pregnant until very late. Options were dwindling or nil. She was completely and insanely career obsessed and career-anxious.
Arrives the last month or two. Pregnancy is hard to ignore then, but it was probably daily terror and panic as she didn’t know what to do. She probably felt cornered, insane with anxiety and barely holding it together in a field that doesn’t give you any room for error.
By the time she has to deliver, her brain is likely already pure soup from the anxiety, obsessing with how she can’t handle it, how it can’t be happening, how she can’t be a mother, doesn’t want to be a mother, can’t - not doesn’t want to, but can’t! CAN’T you understand?! - stop to work.
So she delivers secretly. By this point she’s too far gone, mentally a complete mess, insane, unstable.
So she kills her newborn.
Not as a heinous premeditated act of hatred, violence and mischief, but as a completely insane act of post partum depression, psychosis, work related anxiety and sheer craziness.
She didn’t choke or shake the baby then dug a grave at night - she didn’t do some elaborate crime and elaborate body-hiding shenanigans.
She threw. The. Baby. Out. Her. Own. Window.
And she’s a lawyer.
There was no attempt whatsoever to not get caught or to act surreptitiously.
Just pure terror, psychosis and a horrible, tragic impulse that ended up terminating a new life and ruining another.
Sorry i got carried away lyrically lol.
I 10,000% guarantee this would not be enacted by a Trump presidency. Worst, if some for of it was put forward it would have specific conditions limiting which country of origin this would apply to (surprise surprise: white ones).
Please don’t get lured by the broken clock phenomenon…
Praise be! Under his eye.
That fuckin sockets
Just donated to Wikipedia. Will do every time this fuckers brings it up