Wow. I must have an older Shark; mine comes off with three coin-turnable plastic bolts. Collectible! (I have two!)
Wow. I must have an older Shark; mine comes off with three coin-turnable plastic bolts. Collectible! (I have two!)
No soup for you!
The best example I have is a closed source one and I can’t be more specific on what it is than to say that it’s probably installed on at least one of your Apple devices (assuming you have any).
Implementation-wise, the syntax tree nodes have additional attributes that hold pre- and/or post-element text. What’s on disk is the serialized tree. You edit a text version, and it’s parsed on every edit so it doesn’t have to be parsed again at evaluation time, and what’s stored is the parse tree with enough whitespace and comment hints to reconstruct the text for editing.
This is a case where looking at the textual code is rare, but hundreds of results must get updated in realtime on every change. This might be enough of a hint as to what program it is.
I run the AIO master container, on a NUC (4-core i5, 32G). Family use; never any load issues.
Or by including comments in the parse tree. (& Yes, it is done various places for various languages and formats.)
I dunno. That could be kinda snappy on a map. “Ok, let’s see, here we have the North Atlantic, the Sargasso Sea, and the Fuckass Gulf of America.”
It’s a great place to be from!
We bought coffee mugs with it etched on them; we use them daily.
Tesla has never, ever, had anything remotely resembling a lead in autonomous vehicles. The actual AV industry doesn’t consider them part of it.
but they have to abide by the law if they want to keep their jobs
Oh my sweet summer child…
Did NOT know Doug had a hotel.
I’m still booting 0.94c from floppy.
We do. Next question.
And just think, they only have to find 3 more of those clients to pay the CEO!
This Is The Way. My repo includes a setup.sh that uses ansible to setup the links. Clone the repo, run the script: home.
For the whole enchilada, sudo apt install kde-full
Now Target owns them, I think.