Well done, I’m completely upset now 😡. The nerve some people have to exist. Unbelievable.
Well done, I’m completely upset now 😡. The nerve some people have to exist. Unbelievable.
He’s not transphobic, he’s “only” misogynistic. Which is only 50% transphobic I suppose
I usually go with "Test. Mentioning the existence of this message can make you the target of all sorts of unpleasant things. Ignore this message or else.
You don’t get it. You’re still acknowledging the existence of the message since you’re reading it. You still don’t get it. Either this message exists, or you do. It’s a zero-sum game. Do you enjoy existing?
Are you thinking about it? Wrong.
Sorry I can’t help with additional info, as you said there’s little to find. It’s referenced on DW at least, but not much more is given there
A bloody discord FFS, I’m not going there.
But then I guess it’s not open source, if we can’t find the source.
I don’t see myself installing a distro for which you can’t even find the license? How do you even know you have the right to install or use it?
Is an appeal after a jury trial possible? I thought i had heard it was final?
Well, you have to admit they are by far the best feature of bing
“C++, Python, Java” truly is the Lorem Ipsum of coding languages
There’s no such thing as deprecated software, only insufficient modded distro. Your hunt for paleolibraries should be more thorough.
Only joking of course.
How nice of them. I hope I can pay for this feature!
Aaaaaah it’s gaming! Oh dear, I feel old. OK, so Arch gets the compiled drivers for gaming related HW before other distros? I guess, given the community of nerds (no offense), that would make sense. Thanks for clearing that up.
Still wouldn’t be ahead of the compilable distros. I urge you to switch to LFS, the real beginners distros. ;)
You’re doing god’s work, well done
Yeah, I’m not sure supporting MS proprietary 3D rendering APIs is the goal of any Linux distro? It’s like saying: look my distro is ahead because excel runs on it. I might be missing the point here. If you can have the same reasoning with Vulkan, that would make sense tho
I find it a bit weird to try to make gentoo more ‘user-friendly’. It kind of defeats the point… I have to try tho before being able to answer
Arch is several months ahead of other distros
Source for that? It’s one of those weird, wild affirmations that go around regarding Arch. Ahead in terms of what? Integrating the most up-to-date kernel or something?
Is it because of the rolling release model? But it’s not the only one to have rolling releases.
Not yet, thanks for bringing it!
you’re gonna end up on the arch wiki anyway regardless of distro, so you may as well go to the source.
Absolutely not. I’ve never used a distro that required me to check the forums or wiki of another distro.
it’s bleeding edge
What now? I feel I have fallen asleep and just woke up at a marketing meeting at my job.
For very specific uses, it can be useful. Some scientific SW, niche applications, or if you have older HW. Most of the time, it’s a flex now (I use gentoo BTW, what about that?)
Absolutely, it used to be important, now it’s more of a hobby for me…
Yet, for some people who love to have everything under control, Arch is a step below the fully optimisable distros. That’s why I think it’s maybe not for the ultimate Linux extremists among us :) Although there is definitely some respect to give to people who completely mod Mint or Ubuntu, they’re among the bravest
* legitimate telemetry data