I’m incredibly close to pulling the trigger to make WattOS my new distro for my netbook. I’ve been using antiX for a while and it’s really great overall but the lack of systemd has worn me down I feel. A few programs I want to use just don’t work properly without systemd and I don’t have the patience to fill in the gaps myself.
My only real concern with WattOS is the fact it seems so mysterious. There’s very little info on their site and NO LICENSE OR SOURCE CODE OR REPOSITORY! I highly doubt Russia or China are trying to weasel their way into old AF computers to create a botnet but I’ve never seen a Linux project be so secretive.
Anyone else have some light to shed on this project?
Based on your post I wouldn’t touch this distro with a 3 mile long bargepole.
I have never heard of WattOS but that sounds terrible.
It seems like antiX is a systemd-free Debian flavor.
If you want systemd, why not just use Debian? Or, if you are looking for a nice preconfigured DE/WM, any of a number of Debian/Ubuntu derivatives.
Mint for best out of the box setup, Pop!_OS for tiling, Zorin OS if you’re looking for a funky styling, any of the Ubuntu derivatives for the major DEs: Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.
I guess I could just try a minimal install (uncheck every box) and see how it goes.
Mint has a Debian version if’n you want to stay Debian
Sorry I can’t help with additional info, as you said there’s little to find. It’s referenced on DW at least, but not much more is given there
A bloody discord FFS, I’m not going there.
But then I guess it’s not open source, if we can’t find the source.
I don’t see myself installing a distro for which you can’t even find the license? How do you even know you have the right to install or use it?
I found this in the forum that was linked on the planettwatt.com site. https://planetwatt.com/newforum/index.php?topic=1016.msg3100#msg3100
Didn’t find any source code though.
Appreciate the link but this doesn’t make me feel much better. Seems like their license and terms of use is basically, “Ask and we’ll tell you if you can do that.” Not very transparent.