the training stages? you mean every piece of science, every novel, every reference material they could possibly feed into the model? somehow is rendered useless becauuuuuse??
the training stages? you mean every piece of science, every novel, every reference material they could possibly feed into the model? somehow is rendered useless becauuuuuse??
you didn’t demonstrate, you just claimed it. if doing the math in your head makes you feel good about yourself, do it… the cashier has a calculator and a scanner to save them time, you’re not complaining about the lack of definition in their arms or their poor work ethic, i hope…
my goodness, that language. maybe you should buy a thesaurus, it could be useful to help you along in your day to day.
garbage in garbage out- if you ask good questions you get good answers, if you know how to use a calculator it can do wonderful things.
edit: 8008135
i gotta believe similar conclusions were reached regarding calculators and a host of other technological developments.
write it down and read it the next day- usually works for me, hope this helps!
the images didn’t load before-- in any case, tugging heartstrings and showing vulnerability are endearing for a certain audience.
that means i’ve reached my biannual quota of hilarious comments-- and so soon into 2025, see you in 2027 lemmy! 👋 (me realizing biannual is twice a year… its too late)
well probably because you’re looking at pages of fans of kids shows. now, i’m not saying they’re all children, but… i mean…
my guy looks a little like mona lisa with similar ambiguity of expression. no matter where you stand in the room, he thinks you’re palestinian.
author complains about having to repeat himself in his ranting over and over again, 2/10
read this if you like angry people yelling at you… tons of bold, italics, underlines, and even the occasional ALL CAPS
my favorite part: 1. Shut the fuck up!
there are so many ways to approach this but i like to see it as decency being reduced to a mask people wear- their true selves come out every now and then. you can subsequently ask what are the conditions for these outbursts? general malaise, exhaustion, pressure, and all the myriad things our moods are vulnerable to.
they (campaign insiders) knew they were losing the whole time. they knew they could’ve changed a few policies and handily won… they knew… if they act surprised, just know that its an act.
musk is a piece of shit but why is this investigation in USAID’s purview?
wrong thread/
this of course after using ai to ban 2.3 million ‘security threat’ aps.
tulsi is a flawed human being, we all are- but she is not a double agent for russia. there, i said it, downvotes please.
doesn’t that make their releasing it as open-source even more of a gift? :P
this would be right up my alley but my drawing tablet is kaput
oh, well… then ai will surely fade into obscurity in the coming years- let’s wait and see.