Joe Biden can do whatever he wants and it doesn’t matter because then Trump will do whatever he wants. He can do away with pardons and then Trump can decree that they exist again. There’s nothing left to stop him. Buckle up.
Joe Biden can do whatever he wants and it doesn’t matter because then Trump will do whatever he wants. He can do away with pardons and then Trump can decree that they exist again. There’s nothing left to stop him. Buckle up.
What you’re missing here is that he has an openly corrupt supreme court behind him and everyone who was willing to tell him no is long gone. We’ll see how it plays out but it’s going to be hard to come back from this, and the Democrats are going to have to start paying attention and actually doing what voters want or there’s no hope for them.
I didn’t read that as OP saying they believed that will work, I read it as saying the majority of Americans (or at least the majority of Americans who bothered voting) believed that.
I was onboard with her but I honestly felt icky every time the Biden administration released a new statement about how good the economy is. How out of touch do you have to be to think the economy is good? Republicans have no intention of fixing that but at least they’re smart enough to see that people feel crushed in this economy and pander to it. And apparently that was a much bigger issue than abortion, which shocked me at first but as it settles I see that my fear as a woman pales in comparison to America’s fear of a woman and America’s struggling financial situation.
This is not far from Yellowstone so there will be grizzlies in that area. I could absolutely see someone finding this scene and getting panicked and running to find a cell signal instead of performing forensic analysis of the scene. But yeah the cops weren’t the ones saying it was a bear, they got it at least.
Why am I not surprised? At this point I think the Aurora PD is pretty infamous but damn they’re not even going to make an attempt at pretending not to be an arm of a fascist movement.
I’m shocked, I tell you.
You’re right. The Albersons near my house is hella expensive. Let me just drive farther to pay the same outrageous prices at the other 17 Albertson’s.
Cable companies too please.
All free because Concerned Ape is awesome.
Which means don’t buy electronics on Amazon because you can’t usually tell from the listing and if it is, it could just be counterfeit.
If the court were majority liberal we wouldn’t be desperate for reform because the justices who were appointed by democrats aren’t corrupt.
Kind of hard to pass bills when one political party is dedicated to nothing but corruption and obstruction but ok.
If the GQP cared about white women they wouldn’t have let their courts decimate Roe. Next ridiculous argument please.
I think her hundred million pretty new dollars (so far) are a pretty clear indication that the people are behind her.
Even if they didn’t agree with her I think it would be much more foolish for them to support Trump…
Honest question, are there that many non voting Republicans? They tend to be pretty rabid.
Holy shit you think you’re anxious? Some of us are stuck living here. It’s not actually that easy to emigrate to Canada (bet you guys did that for a reason…).
Persecuted, prosecuted - it’s an easy mistake to make.
I honestly don’t understand why people waited so I don’t use mastodon but I did cancel my Twitter account literally the first week he bought it. It wasn’t hard to see this coming and I just don’t get the delay.