It’s Twitter. The man deadnames his own daughter; I’m sure as hell gonna deadname his social cesspool.
It’s Twitter. The man deadnames his own daughter; I’m sure as hell gonna deadname his social cesspool.
The drone manufacturer. There’s serial numbers and whatnot on all those parts.
I could see LoRa radio nodes making deep-forest IoT sensors possible. Have a solar station with starlink provide internet access, then use it as a LoRa (or other packet radio) modem for a couple-mile radius of sensors. Each sensor package could be a fairly cheap box with sensor, solar power and a radio. Would be super easy to deploy hundreds of those, all served by the same completely autonomous satellite station, and cheap to replace failing hardware (just see which nodes stop talking and send replacements when a bunch fail).
And the Satanic Bible of course. And Nietzsche for the atheist philosophers, prose and poetic eddas for us heathens, some text or another for Wicca, and a Latin edition of Ars Goetia… right? No? Then I smell religious favoritism worthy of the supreme court.
Yeah, I instinctively tried to open mine with vinyl gloves on once and immediately thought “I’m dumb, gotta take these gloves off first.” That was a good shock when it actually worked first try, much confusion…
“Church’s role in harming kids…”
That’s a funny way to spell “church officials raping kids…”
Editorial watering down like this is disgusting. Even if it wasn’t intentional, if you as the reporter aren’t comfortable calling sexual abuse rape in a headline and have to water it down to “harm,” that’s another reason to keep it full-strength. If it makes people mad, good. The truth should make people mad in cases like this.
Hahaha, this stupid Jotunn wants to be struck! Time for target practice!
I’ll die trying to pet something I shouldn’t, and at least get to cuddle with a lion cub before mommy lion rips my throat out.
This is the way.
Jigga deez nuts!
Evaporation isn’t the breakdown of 2(H2O) --> 2(H2) + O2 (hydrogen and oxygen) like electrolysis… It’s just water molecules overcoming the intermolecular force and not wanting to be liquid anymore, H2O(l) --> H2O(g), still just water and sadly no good as a fuel.
I find the opposite to be true for me, but I’m the type that will sit down and read a textbook for entertainment as well. Purely informative podcasts, not entertainment etc. I’ve learned a lot of philosophy and ancient history via Spotify actually, it’s a very useful medium for information access, for those so inclined.
As much as I love animals (more than most people I meet), as a species we must value human life over animal life to some extent. Suffering for corporate exploitation? No, that’s cruel and evil. Minimal suffering in an organism to save a human life? I wish there was a way to keep it from being sentient (so no suffering is felt), but I believe it’s a fair trade for a human life. But yes, we must always strive to minimize the suffering we cause.
“And so Bittorrent was invented…”
“Enshittification,” an inevitable part of the cycle of capitalism…
“But you can just choose to just not use our bricks anymore!”
Fair take. I just always considered Twitter a shithole to begin with. I don’t give him the honor of renaming it because he thinks his kids shouldn’t get the same rights as a software package in that regard.