Sounds like you misconfigured your layers and masks. The collision mask determines which layers it can touch, so it sounds like you have the earth Rigidbody on layer 1 and are trying to detect the body.
I was actually considering Defold for the longest time, it’s another really great open-source engine, but I just found that Godot feels so much nicer to develop in. I may give it another try later, because I do enjoy making small webgames.
Performance testing is a whole can of worms. It’s hard to get an idea of how performance changes because it’ll depend a lot on the nodes and scripts being used. There could be huge regressions in specific cases and functions and no difference in others. Usually you’ll need a suite of tests to see what changed.
It doesn’t do anything by default, you have to go to settings > zen mods > click the settings icon next to the mod name.
If you set the options and nothing happened then I’m not sure, it worked for me instantly when toggling stuff off.
I’ve started using more Zen Mods recently too, the most important one I would say is Zen Context Menu - which lets you de-clutter the options when you right click anything. There are way too many options being shown when you right clicked the sidebar, but it’s a lot nicer to use now.
While we prepare for the stable release—no more than a week’s time from now—let’s enjoy one last roundup of changes.
Hype! Looking forward to updating my projects to the newest version.
but every job also says 100+ applicants
Most of them are spam or people testing their luck even though they’re underqualified since applying to jobs is usually just a click nowadays. Don’t worry too much about it.
I get people that make tutorials for “content” even if they suck at their job, but I CANNOT get over video tutorials where someone gets completely lost and doesn’t cut it out of the video.
Anyways we’ll go here-oh there’s an error. Uhm. Maybe we can do this? That didn’t work. Maybe that? Hang on, maybe it’s in preferences? Oh, it’s in tools, no, wait, oh I just wrote the name wrong
Would it kill you to edit that out and stop wasting my time?!
It’s not a thing and I totally agree it should exist, there’s a proposal for it on GitHub.
If you want to handle different types, the right way of doing it is giving your parameter a generic type then checking what it is in the function.
func _ready():
func handle_stuff(x: Variant):
if x is int:
print("%d is an integer" % x)
elif x is String:
print("%s is a string" % x)
This prints 10 is an integer
and Hello is a string
If you really, really need to have a variable amount of arguments in your function, you can pass an array. It’s pretty inefficient but you can get away with it.
func handle_stuff(stuff: Array):
for x: Variant in stuff:
if x is int:
print("%d is an integer" % x)
elif x is String:
print("%s is a string" % x)
Then you can pass [10, 20, 30] into it or something. It’s a useful trick.
I use Joplin. It’s fairly simple and very comparable to Evernote if you’ve ever used that, but it’s perfect for my needs.
I used LogSeq before, it’s very similar to Obsidian, the big difference being that it’s open source. It’s got a ton of features and the built-in whiteboard is actually really good, but I found it a bit overkill for my simple note taking.
Not mentioned in this post but if anyone was thinking about using 4.4 for web exports, wait a little more. There’s still a pretty bad issue with audio cackling that hasn’t been fixed yet (though there’s a PR submitted for it, so it might make it to beta 3).
I appreciate the rundown! I started getting used to Emmet now, it’s certainly more friendly than it looks. I think this is what I was looking for.
The short-hand for CSS in Emmet is also pretty neat, but It’ll take some time to get used to it. w75p m10
turns into width: 75%; margin:10px
I can’t wait for the new game tab. There’s been at least a few times where I needed to go through something frame-by-frame to see what’s going on.
This is great, I’ve always liked gliding games!
Some feedback:
The one thing that threw me off was how delayed flapping your wings is. Pressing space means you’d flap maybe 1.5 seconds later. It would be great if flapping was way faster and you’d instead have a cooldown animation, rather than waiting and then flapping the wings.
It might just be a skill issue, but I felt like boosting is too fast and I constantly overshot the finish.
It would be great if you can see the score of each completed level in the main menu.
Not sure about the context of a game, but I’ve used this to replace some UI nodes when the game switches to portrait mode on mobile. Sometimes it’s just easier to use different containers.
From what I understand: 3D performance in general needs to be improved. Even if you’re not rendering them, having tens of thousands of nodes in the tree kills performance. The global illumination used in Godot is also really taxing. Terrains are an extension rather than built-in to the engine and probably doesn’t have feature parity with other engines’ terrain systems.
4.4 did a lot to improve things but there’s still a ways to go before big open worlds can happen.
I’ve been meaning to post some of my stuff to Flatpak when Godot 4.4 releases but never bothered to look into it. This is perfect, thanks for sharing!
They explain their reasoning here: .
Why? Automod is just a tool, the issues people have with it is how overzealous the mods using it are. If you’re moderating a community with 10,000+ people you can’t expect to filter and manage everything yourself, so a bot scheduling posts and filtering potential spam/low effort content is necessary.
You can create a Group for the planet then check in your code if that’s what the area is touching. Ex:
if body.is_in_group("planet"): #do something