• 70 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • I get people that make tutorials for “content” even if they suck at their job, but I CANNOT get over video tutorials where someone gets completely lost and doesn’t cut it out of the video.

    Anyways we’ll go here-oh there’s an error. Uhm. Maybe we can do this? That didn’t work. Maybe that? Hang on, maybe it’s in preferences? Oh, it’s in tools, no, wait, oh I just wrote the name wrong

    Would it kill you to edit that out and stop wasting my time?!

  • It’s not a thing and I totally agree it should exist, there’s a proposal for it on GitHub.

    If you want to handle different types, the right way of doing it is giving your parameter a generic type then checking what it is in the function.

    func _ready():
    func handle_stuff(x: Variant):
        if x is int:
            print("%d is an integer" % x)
        elif x is String:
            print("%s is a string" % x)

    This prints 10 is an integer and Hello is a string.

    If you really, really need to have a variable amount of arguments in your function, you can pass an array. It’s pretty inefficient but you can get away with it.

    func handle_stuff(stuff: Array):
        for x: Variant in stuff:
            if x is int:
                print("%d is an integer" % x)
            elif x is String:
                print("%s is a string" % x)

    Then you can pass [10, 20, 30] into it or something. It’s a useful trick.

  • I use Joplin. It’s fairly simple and very comparable to Evernote if you’ve ever used that, but it’s perfect for my needs.

    I used LogSeq before, it’s very similar to Obsidian, the big difference being that it’s open source. It’s got a ton of features and the built-in whiteboard is actually really good, but I found it a bit overkill for my simple note taking.

    • Logseq also makes each line start with a bulleted list which quickly made me go insane

  • This is great, I’ve always liked gliding games!

    Some feedback:

    1. The one thing that threw me off was how delayed flapping your wings is. Pressing space means you’d flap maybe 1.5 seconds later. It would be great if flapping was way faster and you’d instead have a cooldown animation, rather than waiting and then flapping the wings.

    2. It might just be a skill issue, but I felt like boosting is too fast and I constantly overshot the finish.

    3. It would be great if you can see the score of each completed level in the main menu.

  • From what I understand: 3D performance in general needs to be improved. Even if you’re not rendering them, having tens of thousands of nodes in the tree kills performance. The global illumination used in Godot is also really taxing. Terrains are an extension rather than built-in to the engine and probably doesn’t have feature parity with other engines’ terrain systems.

    4.4 did a lot to improve things but there’s still a ways to go before big open worlds can happen.