https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/ read on. Don’t start any process on any device without reading all the info and steps.
https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/ read on. Don’t start any process on any device without reading all the info and steps.
This. LineageOS on any device that supports it immediately improves said device x10.
I have an old as hell Galaxy tablet that had slowed down to a crawl after a few years. With LineageOS it’s usable again.
It still feels like magic at times. The SteamDeck is my backlog steamrolling machine (pun intended). Almost every game in my library that I either forgot about or feels wasteful to play on my high-end desktop, runs amazing. I’m replaying Brutal Legend just because it runs so smoothly on my deck.
When they came out with SteamOS the first time, it felt so good to have a games run on Linux without fiddling with Wine. Those were dark times. The few people making an effort to run their games with the tools they had available where really putting in work to make it happen.
God, I remember searching the ends of the internet to get Starcraft running at some point. I managed to kinda get it going but it might have taken a few days of troubleshooting silly things.
If you’ve been at it for 8 years, I appreciate your efforts.
With bottles, boxes, and all the other small environment virtualization solutions available right now, switching to Linux with a few ‘almost native’ Windows application is easier than ever. The mileage will vary from distro to distro. I’ve managed to get bottles to run some annoyingly old statistics software I need for work. It works great. Sometimes it can be a bit of a headache to figure out where the software saves files but playing detective for a file somewhere in the system is better than enduring all that Windows imposes on the user.
This hurts in my first Gentoo installation. Sharp, precise, and accurate pain.
It’s a headache but it’s your headache.
You’re comment I came looking for. You get a standing ovation or something.
Couldn’t be more right. I went 100% on GoG after not being able to play the Steam games I wanted to play during an internet outage because of dumb always online requirement.
Yup on 4. Mess at all with the hostfile and Windows Defende won’t stop harassing you about a threat. User autonomy is a threat to Windows.
Oh so much better. I’ve relegated Windows only programs to a virtual machine. I haven’t touched it in a long time but it’s there just in case.
About a month ago Windows 11 started forcing ads for apps and services I didn’t need. Immediately installed a popular Linux distribution to have some peace of mind. There’s every flavor of desktop out there. I picked one for work and games (pop_os). It’s out of my way most of the time and it’s not trying to sell me anything. I recommend it, specially, if you’re someone that doesn’t fiddle with settings too much, it just work.
Oh boy. That thing is the steering wheel of the Windows system.
Handwritten assignments are going to make a comeback. It’s hard to cheat through an essay you have to write on the spot.
Yeah, refuting an argument by saying “other stuff is at fault” is the work of a true well educated and informed intellectual.